What is The Knowledge?

If you want to drive a black cab in London, you have to pass the ultimate memory test – the Knowledge of London.

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Top tips to consider when building a website for your taxi business

Increasingly, customers look to their phones, tablets and laptops when seeking taxi services – the world’s gone digital. Tick every box and your website will be the best thing that ever happened to your annual turnover.

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What cars are the cheapest to run as a taxi?

In any job or business, the better you are at keeping costs down, the more money goes into your back pocket. As a taxi driver or taxi business owner, your biggest cost is your car.

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Tips for keeping safe as a taxi driver

Discover practical safety tips for taxi drivers in the UK and London. Learn how to drive safely and reduce the risk of becoming a victim while on duty.

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How to get regular customers for your taxi business

In an increasingly digital world, there are plenty of affordable, easy ways to maximise profit and build your customer base.

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When is the right time to expand your taxi fleet?

It’s still possible to set up and expand a thriving taxi fleet, you just have to pick the right time. Whether you buy or lease vehicles, the expansion of your fleet is a considerable investment, so reliable cover is a necessity.

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