How many taxi journeys are completed each day in the UK?

Discover the transformation of the taxi industry with the rise of taxi-hailing apps. Learn how many taxi journeys are completed daily in the UK and the convenience they bring.

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How has Uber affected the taxi industry?

When we think about the biggest technological disruptors of recent years, lots of them will be apps. And one of the first that springs to mind is likely to be the taxi-hailing behemoth that is Uber.

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What are the rights of a passenger in a taxi?

Disputes arise when both parties think they are right. Sometimes it’s not so black and white who’s right and who’s wrong, but in the context of a taxi journey, it usually is.

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What are the best fleet management softwares for your taxi fleet?

These are exciting and challenging times for the taxi industry. Never has there been so much competition for customers, as many people take advantage of more freely available taxi services, which are much more convenient and reasonably priced than a decade ago. The main driver behind the rapid changes in the market is technology.

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What are the rights of a taxi driver?

In this article, we’ll explain the rights of a taxi driver, covering everything from what you can do if a passenger makes off without payment to when you can legally refuse a fare. We’ll also give our advice on things such as taxi insurance and how to protect yourself when out on the road.

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How much does a taxi vehicle cost?

Learn about the financial considerations of buying a taxi. Discover if buying new or used, luxury or functional, and financing or outright purchase is the right choice for you.

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