Are taxi drivers allowed to lock passengers in their car in the UK?

As a passenger, you trust your taxi driver to get you safely from point A to point B. You assume that they will follow the rules and regulations set out for taxi services in the UK.


However, what happens if your taxi driver locks you in their cab? Is it legal for them to do so?


In this article, we will explore the law on taxi services in the UK and the rights and responsibilities of both taxi drivers and passengers. We will also discuss instances of taxi drivers locking passengers in their cab, the legality of this act, and the consequences that come with it.


Understanding the law on taxi services in the UK


In the UK, taxi services are regulated by the government, and there are rules and regulations that taxi drivers must follow.


The main law governing taxi services is the Private Hire Vehicles (London) Act 1998, which is specific to London. Outside of central London, the regulation of taxi services is governed by individual local authorities.


Taxi drivers are required to have a taxi license, which is granted by the local government authority. To obtain a license, taxi drivers must undergo a Criminal Records Bureau check, a medical examination, and a knowledge test of the local area. They must also have valid insurance and a roadworthy vehicle.


The rights of passengers in a taxi


Passengers have certain rights when traveling in a taxi. They have the right to be treated fairly and with respect, regardless of their race, gender, or any other personal characteristic. They also have the right to a safe taxi journey, which means that the taxi driver should drive safely and obey traffic laws.


Passengers also have the right to choose their destination and route, as long as it is within reason. They have the right to be charged a fair price for their journey, with the fare being calculated based on the distance travelled and the time taken.


The rights of taxi drivers


UK taxi drivers have specific rights for fair pay, safe working conditions, and protection against discrimination. A few of these include:


  • They are entitled to at least the minimum wage and compensation for waiting time and cleaning.
  • They have the right to refuse fares and report harassment or violence.
  • Discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or other factors is prohibited.


These rights ensure effective and safe transportation services while promoting fairness and respect for taxi drivers.


To learn more, check out our more in depth article: what are the rights of taxi drivers.


The responsibilities of taxi drivers towards passengers


Taxi drivers have a responsibility to ensure that their passengers are safe and comfortable during their journey. This means that they should drive safely and obey traffic laws. They should also maintain their vehicle in a roadworthy condition, and ensure that it is clean and comfortable for passengers.


Taxi drivers should also treat their passengers with respect and be courteous at all times. They should be knowledgeable about the local area and be able to recommend places of interest to passengers. Finally, they should ensure that their passengers arrive at their destination safely and on time.


Instances of taxi drivers locking passengers in their cab


There have been instances where a taxi driver locked passengers in their cab. This is a serious offense and can have severe consequences for the driver. There have been cases where passengers have been locked in a taxi because they were unable to pay the fare, or because the driver was unhappy with their behaviour.


In some cases, passengers have been locked in a taxi against their will. This is a criminal offense and can result in serious consequences for the driver. Passengers who have been locked in a taxi may feel scared and vulnerable, and may fear for their safety.


The legality of taxi drivers locking passengers in their cab in the UK


It is illegal for taxi drivers to lock passengers in their cab in the UK. This is considered false imprisonment, which is a criminal offense. False imprisonment is defined as the unlawful confinement of a person against their will. This can include physical restraint, such as locking someone in a car or room.


If a taxi driver is found to have locked a passenger in their cab, they can face criminal charges. The consequences can be severe, including fines, imprisonment, and revocation of their taxi license.


Consequences of locking passengers in a taxi


Locking passengers in a taxi can have serious consequences for the driver. In addition to criminal charges, they may also face civil lawsuits from the passenger. The passenger may seek compensation for any damages they suffered as a result of being locked in the taxi, such as emotional distress or physical injuries.


In addition, the driver's reputation may be damaged, and they may find it difficult to obtain a taxi license in the future.


What to do if you are locked in a taxi?


If you are locked in a taxi, it is important to remain calm and try to get the attention of people outside the vehicle. You can also try to call the police or a friend or family member for help.


Once you are safely out of the vehicle, you should report the incident to the police and the local government authority that regulates taxi services. They will investigate the incident and take appropriate action against the driver.


Tips for remaining safe when taking a taxi


Taking a taxi can be a convenient mode of transportation, but safety should always be a top priority.


Here are some tips for remaining safe when taking a taxi:


  • Hire licensed taxis: Always ensure that you hire a licensed taxi service. This will help you avoid unscrupulous drivers who may not have your best interests at heart.
  • Share your ride details: Sharing your ride details with a friend or family member can help ensure that you remain safe. You can share your taxi's license plate number, the driver's name, and the route you'll be taking.
  • Sit in the back seat: If you sit in the back seat, it can help you maintain a safe distance from the driver. It also gives you more space to exit the vehicle quickly if needed.
  • Pay attention to your surroundings: Always remain aware of your surroundings when taking a taxi. Be cautious of any suspicious behaviour from the driver or other passengers.
  • Trust your instincts: In the event that you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, trust your instincts and ask the driver to stop the car. You can always find another taxi.
  • Keep your valuables close: Keep your valuables, like your phone or cash, close to you and out of sight. This will help deter theft and ensure that your belongings remain safe. By following these tips, you can help ensure that you remain safe when taking a taxi. Remember that your safety should always come first and do what you can to reduce the risk.


Other taxi laws you may not know:


There are several taxi laws in the UK that the general public may not be aware of:


  1. It is illegal for taxi drivers to refuse to carry a passenger with a guide dog or other assistance animal, unless they have a valid medical exemption.
  2. Taxis must display a license plate on the back of the vehicle, showing the license number, expiration date, and the licensing authority.
  3. Taxis are required to have a fare meter that calculates the cost of the journey based on distance and time. The meter must be visible to the passenger.
  4. Taxis must be fitted with a CCTV camera that records both audio and video, to ensure the safety of passengers and drivers.
  5. Drivers must have a valid taxi driver's license, which requires passing a background check and demonstrating knowledge of the local area.
  6. Taxis are required to have a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, and other safety equipment on board.
  7. It is illegal for a taxi driver to smoke or allow anyone else to smoke in the vehicle.


These are just a few examples of the taxi laws in the UK that may be unfamiliar to the public.


It is important for passengers to understand their rights and for drivers to comply with all regulations to ensure a safe and fair taxi experience for everyone.




black taxi on white background 


In conclusion, it is illegal for taxi drivers to lock passengers in their car in the UK. Passengers have certain rights when traveling in a taxi, and taxi drivers have a responsibility to ensure their safety and comfort. If you are locked in a taxi, it is important to remain calm and seek help as soon as possible.


As a taxi driver, it is important to understand the rules and regulations governing taxi services in the UK and to follow them carefully. Protect your business and renew your taxi insurance with Taxi Insurer today! Call one of our friendly insurance team members on 0192 645 4929 or click here to get a quote.
