Why are TFL banning London taxi drivers with valid DVLA licences?

What does the new ‘six points and you’re out’ policy mean for taxi drivers in the city? Let’s take a look…


As someone who drives for a living, getting points on your licence can cause no end of problems. But a recent Transport for London (TfL) taxi driver policy change could make matters even worse. Taxi Insurer takes a look.


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Six points and you’re out – the new TfL policy


We all know that for ordinary UK drivers, if you collect 12 or more penalty points in any three-year period, you’ll lose your driving licence. However, in the case of taxi drivers, some local taxi licensing authorities may take action before you even reach this point.


For example, in 2020, Portsmouth City Council would revoke your Hackney Carriage or PHV licence if 10 or more points were obtained in any one licensing year.


But in London the licensing authorities have taken this a step further. As part of the London Mayor’s ‘Vision Zero’ plan to make London safer by reducing deaths and serious injuries on the roads, TfL has introduced a number of policies affecting licensed taxi and PHV drivers and those applying for licences.


One of these is the so-called ‘six points and you’re out’ policy. Found in TfL’s latest ‘Taxi and Private Hire Driver Policy’ this is a new policy concerned with how TfL treats drivers who receive penalty points and convictions for driving offences.


The policy states that while a single occurrence of a minor driving offence can be committed unintentionally and may not be a problem, serious or multiple driving convictions are a different matter. Such behaviour may indicate the person is not suitable to drive professionally in London.


Under the new rules, taxi drivers who receive convictions for certain driving offences will be at greater risk of having their TfL taxi licence revoked. While those applying for licences may not be granted one.


Issues to be aware of include the following:

  • If you’re applying for a taxi licence then more than one conviction for a major driving offence within the last five years would merit a refusal. No further licence application can be made until at least seven years after the most recent conviction.
  • For an offence of driving without due care and consideration, resulting in six or more penalty points on your licence, TfL could revoke your licence. Even if you receive less than six points, TfL can still suspend your licence for three months.
  • For failing to stop/fail to report an accident, for which you receive six or more penalty points, TfL could revoke your licence. For less than six points on your licence, you could receive a three-month suspension.
  • If you’re found guilty of using a hand-held mobile phone or a hand-held device, and receive six penalty points on your licence, TfL could revoke your taxi licence.
  • For any other single driving offence that results in six or more penalty points, your taxi licence can be revoked.
  • Any licensed driver with nine or more penalty points will be warned that incurring additional points is likely to result in the loss of both their DVLA driving licence as well as their taxi or PHV licence.
  • Licensed drivers who accumulate 12 penalty points on their DVLA licence will have their taxi or PHV licence suspended for six months. This will happen regardless of whether or not the courts choose to disqualify them from driving or take away their DVLA driving licence.


Taxi driver representatives have called for TfL to review the policy amid complaints that this is an overly strict policy that deters new applicants from applying to become taxi drivers and undermines efforts to replenish the numbers of cabbies in the city.


They’ve also asked why taxi drivers with six points run the risk of having their taxi licence revoked, while new London bus driver applicants in a similar position can still apply for a job.


How penalty points affect your taxi insurance premiums


There are many driving offences that carry the risk of penalty points, any one of which can have a big impact on your driving career. But they can also affect the price you pay for your vehicle insurance, too.


Keeping on the right side of the law is a great way to show your insurer that you can be trusted. However, if you break the rules of the road and receive points on your licence then this could signal to your insurer that you’re a risk-taker.


If this is the case then you might find your taxi insurance premiums rising. Indeed, you may even be refused cover!


Driving safely at all times not only reassures your passengers and keeps you on the right side of the authorities, it also helps to keep your insurance costs down. But be mindful, there are a range of other issues that could affect your premiums, including:

  • Type of vehicle you drive
  • Level of insurance cover you choose
  • Annual mileage
  • No claims bonus
  • Driver age and experience
  • When you drive
  • If you transport vulnerable groups
  • How secure your vehicle is
  • Where your vehicle is stored


For more on these, read our Taxi Insurer guide to eight things that could affect your taxi insurance premium.  


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