How to remove brake dust from your taxi

For taxi drivers, maintaining a pristine vehicle is paramount, as it reflects professionalism and attention to detail. However, one persistent challenge faced by many is the accumulation of unsightly brake dust on wheels and surrounding areas. This tenacious residue, a byproduct of the friction between brake pads and rotors, can quickly tarnish the appearance of even the most well-kept taxi.


For this guide will equip you with the knowledge and techniques to effectively combat and conquer this formidable foe, ensuring your taxi remains a shining beacon on the roads.


Identifying brake dust hot spots


While brake dust can accumulate on various surfaces of your taxi, certain areas are particularly prone to accumulation. The wheels, being in close proximity to the brake components, are often the primary target for brake dust buildup. Additionally, the rear end of the vehicle tends to collect a significant amount of dust due to the low-pressure zone created as the taxi accelerates, coupled with the magnetic properties of the ferrous particles in the brake dust.


Other areas susceptible to brake dust accumulation include suspension components, undercarriage, and even the body panels, especially around the wheel arches and lower sections of the vehicle. Neglecting these hot spots can lead to a rapid deterioration of your taxi's appearance, necessitating more frequent and intensive cleaning efforts, which is one of the common problems taxi drivers often face.


Understanding brake dust


Contrary to popular belief, brake dust is not merely the remnants of worn brake pads; it is a complex amalgamation of various particles, including carbon, iron, ceramic materials, plastics, polymers, and even trace amounts of aluminium. This diverse composition contributes to the stubborn nature of brake dust, making it a formidable foe to eliminate.


The type and severity of brake dust can vary significantly, depending on the materials used in the brake pads and rotors of your taxi. Some brake systems are designed to produce less dust, such as those employing ceramic or carbon fibre components. However, for many taxis, the stock brake systems are optimised for performance and durability rather than minimising dust production.


Gathering the right supplies

 Taxi driver en route

While a basic car wash setup with two buckets and a quality car shampoo can handle light dust, more stubborn accumulations may require specialised tools and products.


One invaluable tool in your brake dust-fighting arsenal is a clay bar or clay mitt. These specialised cleaning implements, when used in conjunction with a lubricant spray, can effectively remove deeply embedded brake dust particles from painted surfaces without causing damage.


For particularly tenacious brake dust, consider investing in a dedicated iron removal or rail dust spray. These pH-neutral chemical formulations are designed to react with and loosen iron-based contaminants, making them easier to agitate and rinse away.


The two-bucket method


Before delving into more advanced taxi cleaning methods, it is essential to master the two-bucket method. This approach involves using one bucket filled with clean, soapy water for washing and another bucket filled with plain water for rinsing your wash mitt or sponge.


By following this method, you can effectively remove surface brake dust and other contaminants from your taxi's exterior without risking the reintroduction of debris onto the freshly cleaned areas. It is advisable to start with the wheels and work your way up, ensuring that any dislodged brake dust does not settle on the already cleaned surfaces.


Eliminating embedded brake dust


For brake dust that has become deeply embedded in the clear coat or other surfaces, claying is an indispensable technique. This process involves gliding a specialised clay bar or mitt over the affected areas, using a lubricant spray to facilitate smooth movement and prevent marring.


To clay effectively, follow these steps:


  1. Gather your supplies: a high-quality clay bar or mitt, a medium-grade clay lubricant spray, and microfiber towels.

  2. Wash the entire vehicle thoroughly, ensuring it is completely dry before proceeding.

  3. Apply the clay lubricant liberally to a small section.

  4. Gently glide the clay bar or mitt over the lubricated area, applying light pressure and overlapping strokes.

  5. Rinse the section thoroughly to remove any residual clay lubricant and contaminants.

  6. Repeat the process for each section until the entire vehicle has been clayed.

  7. Rewash the vehicle using the two-bucket method to remove any remaining clay lubricant residue.


Remember, claying can be an intensive process, but the results are well worth the effort, leaving your taxi's surfaces silky smooth and free of embedded contaminants.


Iron removal sprays


For particularly stubborn brake dust that has bonded to metallic surfaces, such as wheels or suspension components, iron removal sprays can be a game-changer. These specialised products are formulated to react with and dissolve iron-based contaminants, making them easier to agitate and rinse away.


When using an iron removal spray, follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully, as application methods and dwell times may vary. Generally, you will need to spray the affected area generously, allow the product to dwell for a specified period, agitate with a soft-bristled brush or microfiber towel, and rinse thoroughly.


It is crucial to select a pH-neutral iron removal spray to avoid damaging your taxi's surfaces. Acidic wheel cleaners, while effective on bare metal, can etch and discolor clear coats and other delicate materials.


Applying a ceramic coating


Once you have successfully eliminated brake dust from your taxi, consider taking proactive measures to protect your investment and minimise future accumulation. One highly effective solution is the application of a high-quality nano-ceramic coating.


Nano-ceramic coatings create an ultra-smooth, hydrophobic layer on top of the surface, making it more difficult for brake dust and other contaminants to adhere. These coatings can be applied to a wide range of materials, including paint, wheels, glass, and even plastic trim pieces, providing long-lasting protection against the elements and brake dust buildup.


Maintaining a dust-free taxi


While a ceramic coating can significantly reduce brake dust accumulation, it is still essential to maintain a regular cleaning routine. Frequent washing and decontamination will prevent brake dust from bonding to surfaces, making future cleanings easier and more effective.


Consider incorporating a dedicated wheel cleaning step into your routine, using a pH-neutral wheel cleaner and a soft-bristled brush to agitate and remove any accumulated brake dust. Additionally, regularly cleaning and dressing your tires can help minimise brake dust buildup in those areas.


Taxi insurance considerations


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Brake dust reduction strategies


While eliminating brake dust is crucial, exploring strategies to reduce its production can also be beneficial. One option is to consider upgrading your taxi's brake system to components designed to produce less dust, such as ceramic or carbon fibre brake pads and rotors.


However, it is essential to consult with a professional mechanic or your vehicle's manufacturer before making any modifications to ensure compatibility and maintain the integrity of your braking system.


Another approach is to explore brake dust inhibitor sprays, which claim to modify the physical properties of brake components and reduce dust production. However, it is crucial to exercise caution with these products, as they may impact braking performance and safety.


Embracing eco-friendly practices


As a responsible taxi driver, it is essential to consider the environmental impact of your cleaning practices. Many traditional cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to the environment and human health.


Fortunately, there are numerous eco-friendly alternatives available, such as biodegradable cleaners, waterless wash solutions, and microfiber cloths that reduce water consumption. By embracing these eco-friendly practices, you can maintain a pristine taxi while minimising your environmental footprint.


Seeking professional assistance


While many taxi drivers prefer to tackle brake dust removal themselves, there may be instances where seeking professional assistance is advisable. Detailing professionals have access to specialised equipment and techniques that can effectively remove even the most stubborn brake dust accumulations.


Additionally, professional detailers can provide valuable advice and recommendations on maintaining your taxi's appearance, preventing future brake dust buildup, and protecting your investment with high-quality coatings and sealants.




Maintaining a pristine taxi is not just about removing brake dust; it's a lifestyle that encompasses attention to detail, pride in one's work, and a commitment to providing an exceptional experience for passengers.


By understanding the nature of brake dust, identifying hot spots, and employing the right tools and methods, you can effectively eliminate this persistent adversary from your taxi. Remember, a pristine vehicle not only reflects your professionalism but also enhances the overall experience for your passengers. Take pride in maintaining a taxi that turns heads and leaves a lasting impression on the roads and remember to stay protected with taxi insurance.
