How to make taxi driving less stressful

Unfortunately, there are many factors that can increase stress levels among taxi drivers. Driving at peak times and in congested areas can easily leave you not firing on all cylinders over the course of a day.


Stress can also be caused by factors away from the road, too. Dealing with difficult people, keeping on top of appointments, financial and personal problems can all contribute to feeling tense. These pressures can cause impatience and frustration leading to unsafe driving and even health issues – which then add further to your stress levels!


Fortunately, there are many ways to help you reduce the stresses of taxi driving that we’ve put together in this helpful guide.


At least finding taxi insurance is straightforward. Just call us for a quote today and let us take the strain!


  1. Stay positive


The actions of other road users, whether deliberate or unintentional, can easily be a source of stress for taxi drivers. The best way to counteract this is to realise that while you cannot control the other drivers around you, you can control how you react to them.


Maintaining a calm, positive, and detached attitude to others can really make a difference in keeping you and your vehicle safe in today's traffic chaos. When we become stressed or upset, our judgment can easily fail us and we get ourselves involved in risky driving situations.


Remember, we all make mistakes so if another driver does something wrong, then try to let it go. After all, we hope they'd do the same for you. Don't let someone else’s error be the reason you lose control and have a collision. Accidents often occur when drivers are upset, stressed, or distracted in some way.


A happy taxi driver talking to a customer they are picking up

  1. Breathe deeply


Stress not only affects us emotionally but also physically. Simple breathing techniques are often recommended by doctors to help reduce stress and increase relaxation.


There are a whole host of different ones to try, but the following deep breathing exercise is perhaps the simplest to learn and work into your day-to-day routine.


The aim is to breathe deeply from the abdomen, getting as much air as possible into your lungs. By taking deep rather than shallow breaths, you’ll inhale more oxygen and become less tense, short of breath, and anxious.


  • Sit comfortably with a straight back.
  • Breathe in through your nose.
  • Exhale through your mouth. Push out as much air as you can while tensing your abdominal muscles.
  • Continue to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Try to inhale enough so your lower abdomen rises and falls. Count slowly as you exhale.


Deep breathing can easily be combined with other relaxation practices such as listening to calming music.


If you take your phone with you everywhere then try one of the many breathing or meditation apps available for download – it could make a real difference. Just don’t touch your phone while you’re on the move!


  1. Listen up


Listening to your favourite tunes, an interesting audiobook or funny podcast series can really help to destress and soothe you. However, remember that what you’re listening to could also raise your stress levels without you even noticing.


Music that makes you feel angry or emotional or a radio phone-in programme that gets your blood boiling might not be the best way of keeping calm behind the wheel!


  1. Allow extra time


Racing against the clock is a common reason drivers get involved in stressful situations. You can’t control traffic, accidents, detours and other surprises but you can make these less stressful if you’ve allowed extra time to reach your destination.

A black cab speeding along a London road

  1. Stay cool and collected


Being stuck in a hot and stuffy vehicle all day should not be disregarded when considering your stress levels. Certainly, when the weather warms up try keeping windows open to let in some fresh air. If you work in a busy city and this is not feasible then check your air con is up to the job!


  1. Dress for comfort


While you’ll want to be smart and professional for your customers you also need to consider your own comfort. Wearing something that irritates you or is too tight and restrictive will slowly build stress throughout the day. And don’t forget to make sure your seat and mirrors are properly adjusted to reduce strain on your body.


  1. Stay fed and hydrated


Thirst and hunger can make us irritable. Having a bottle of water or some healthy snacks close at hand will keep you driving with a great attitude. And remember, the more healthily you eat, the less stress you’ll feel.


  1. Know your route


Taking a wrong turn or even getting lost are hugely stressful for any driver, and even more so if your livelihood depends on it. An up-to-date sat nav, onboard navigation or phone app will make finding any destination a cinch even if you have to take a detour.

A person looking at a map of London planning a route

  1. Stay fit


As a taxi driver you’ll spend many hours of your day sitting behind the wheel, and this can cause a lot of stress on your body. Regular physical activity helps reduce the effects of stress by:


  • Encouraging the release of ‘feel good’ endorphins
  • Improving your mood and wellbeing
  • Making you feel more energetic
  • Improving your sleep


And it doesn’t have to be much – a bit of light stretching and a 30-minute walk at lunchtime can really help clear your mind of stresses and frustrations. Particularly if you’re not used to regular exercise, it’s important you don’t overdo it and hurt yourself.


Protecting your business with taxi insurance


Driving a taxi can be stressful but it doesn’t have to be. The specialist team at Taxi Insurer knows that and has come up with several ways to help, including monthly payment plans to make your taxi insurance more manageable.


Taxi Insurer has spent decades working with our trusted panel of insurers, so you’ll be in safe hands – whatever the stresses and strains your journey brings.


Don’t put it off, get a quote for taxi insurance today and see how much you could save.


Policy benefits, features and discounts offered may very between insurance schemes or cover selected and are subject to underwriting criteria. Information contained within this article is accurate at the time of publishing but may be subject to change.
