How to create an app for your taxi business in the UK: A step-by-step guide

Do you have a taxi business? Maybe you work as a taxi driver and are thinking of taking the next step to branch out. Working as a fleet can be amazing, but you’ll likely need some essentials to keep everyone on the right track.


Once you’re sorted with  taxi fleet insurance, the next thing to consider is how will you communicate? That’s both with customers and the taxi drivers who work with you. Ride hailing apps can be an amazing way to connect with customers and allow them to use your services online.

It also saves costs, where having people in a call centre booking rides is concerned. Taxi apps are the way forward when it comes to booking a cab - just look at the likes of Uber and Kapten.


So, if you’re working within a taxi business or you’re the owner of a taxi business, then it’s high time you considered creating an app.


How to develop a taxi app


First things first, how do you even get started with developing a taxi app? You might want to go down the route of getting an independent app developer to price up a quote and develop a unique app for your business. This can be an amazing way to build an app for your taxi business, however, it’s not amazingly cost-effective.


If you’d like to explore the idea of developing a taxi app on a budget, then you might want to look to an external app builder who can build you an app with similar functionality to, say, Uber but at a fraction of the price. The downside is that it’s not as unique and specialised to your business, but this shouldn’t be too much of a problem when you’re starting out.

 A mobile phone with the Uber app loading on screen

How to develop a taxi app without a developer


Builders like Innofied and Enuke can build you an app like Uber, that helps your passengers with the following:


  • Registering details and card details securely
  • Tracking drivers to see where pickup locations are and where drivers are so that passengers can see what’s available and track their driver.
  • Setting a pickup location: they can set a location through the map on the app
  • Fare calculator: you’ll be able to easily calculate a fare that the customer can see going up, just like in real life.
  • Automatic payment: your customers will automatically be charged so that you need not worry about anything.
  • Booking history: customers can see where they’ve been recently and review any previous trips.
  • Review: the app will allow your customers to review their journey and rate their ride so that you can build up a great reputation.


How to develop a taxi app with a developer


If you’d prefer to design your own app with an independent developer, then you might want to consult an app developer who can assist you. This way you will own your own asset and be wholly responsible for the app.


The usual process for developing a taxi app with your own developer is:


  • Sketch out ideas: Start with a strong idea about what you want your app to do. Who will it serve? What is the goal? How will it make life easier for people?
  • Discuss with the developer: In this stage, you want to be finding out what is achievable on your budget and how realistic the plans are. Start simple and build outwards rather than overwhelming the developer in the first meeting. Come prepared with a clear idea of what you want and some notes to back it up so that you don’t leave disappointed.
  • Develop a wireframe: With any tech project be it a web build or an app development, you’ll need a wireframe so that people know what they’re working towards. In essence, a wireframe is a storyboard that designs the way that the app should look. It’s essential that everyone is on the same page at this stage so that ideas don’t get lost. This is where you plan how the app will work and look, so it’s important for bringing your ideas to life.
  • Setting out the backend: When you build an app it’s not just about making it look ‘pretty’. You’re going to need to set out what the app will actually do as well. The back end planning is where you discover what APIs and integrations you need to actually make the app function. It’s important, and although you might not understand all the jargon, it’s good to get your head around the back end with your developer.
  • Get building: This is the stage where you allow the developer to go away and start building your app. You need to have your user interface designed, with integrations added and plenty of back-end development too, so it’s a big job. They will need to spend a while testing the app and coming up with changes, so give this stage time.
  • Take your app to market: You’ll need to register for your app to feature on the Apple Store and for Android phones too, so prepare to spend on marketing during this period in order to get people engaged with the app.


How can I create an app for my business?


As mentioned earlier, creating an app for your business can be achieved by using an online platform to create one or employing a developer. There are loads of great app making platforms out there. Many of them are free, so there’s no harm in playing around to see if you like the idea of having an app for your business.


Take a look at some of the most popular applications that can help you create an app for your business.



This app uses cloud technology to create apps for Android. There’s nothing to install or download so it’s really easy to get going with this app. With built-in features that allow you to drop in different functions, this platform will help you create an app that you want for your business.



The App Builder is great for building an app for your business. It can be a great platform for creating intranet apps that are ideal for employee information sharing and time-scheduling. You can create public apps and private apps that are functional and practical.



AppyPie is one of the most effective app development platforms as it develops personalised apps for all platforms like Android, iOS and Windows amongst others. With lots of different themes that suit different industries, you’ll be able to tailor your app to your business very easily.


How much do taxi businesses make?


Taxi companies can make a lot of money, and with an app that makes it easy for customers to reach you, they can do even better. Once your outgoing costs are covered like your cars, petrol and taxi fleet insurance you can be sure to make a good return on the investment.


According to Indeed, Taxi drivers earn around £775 per week in London, which is 75% above the national average. Often the taxi company will take a 25-30% cut, around £800 per driver per month for doing virtually nothing but ensuring that the drivers are coordinated. Obviously, the larger the fleet of taxis, the more money you make. However, the more cabs you have on the road, the more people you will need to coordinate.


Often the overhead costs of setting up a call centre for customers is expensive and a little outdated, which is why so many cab companies are now opting for an app. It makes ordering a taxi a much more convenient.

 A hackney carriage with its orange light on

How much does it cost to build a taxi app?


This really depends on which method you choose. If you opt to go for an independent developer, it really depends on what they charge. Many developers work on hourly rates which can really rack up, so it’s better if you can get a project fee set beforehand. This is rarely achieved, as developers know that often apps take a lot longer than expected, so charging hourly is the only way that they can ensure that they are paid for their time.


The rates charged can also vary depending on the development language, the developer’s level of experience and the complexity of the project (e.g. the number of features involved).

According to IT watch, the average median day rate for hiring a software developer on contract in the UK is £438. In London, the cost increases to £476 a day while costs are slightly lower in the South East and North of England at £425 and £365 respectively.

Of course, you could always look to outsource to a developer in a different country, where rates may be more favourable. According to Statista, these are roughly the average hourly rates for developers across the world compared to the UK.

North America — $60-250 per hour or £50-200
United Kingdom — $60-150 per hour or £50-120
Western Europe — $40-120 per hour or £30-£100
Eastern Europe — $20-100 per hour or £17-£82

The time taken to build an app can vary depending on your individual requirements but can range anywhere from one month to a year.

If you go down the route of opting to use an app developer, you can expect to pay around £100 per month to keep the app running. In the long run, if you’re planning to have the app for a long time as part of your business, it will be worth paying a developer to create an app from scratch that you then own.


How much does it cost to develop an app like Uber?


Firstly, Uber is an advanced app used by millions of people around the world and it’s important to note that Uber has one app for customers and one for drivers. This means that instead of creating just one app, they have actually created two, which doubles the cost.

It’s impossible to say how much exactly it would cost to create the Uber app, however, we can estimate based on the types of things that need to be included such as:

  • Back-end development
  • Web development
  • Payment forms and detail capture
  • Native app development
  • Design
  • Geolocation and routing
  • Management and quality assurance


Based on these needs, it can be estimated that an app like uber would cost about £57,000-70,000 GBP to create. According to Django Stars, an app like Uber would take around 2004-2454 hours to create on two platforms – Android and IOS.


This would also account for back-end development. On average, they think it would take around 15-17 weeks to take an app like Uber from conception to fruition with around five or six developers working on it at any one time.


Protecting your cars and drivers with taxi fleet insurance

Are you thinking of starting a taxi business or already have one set up? One of the most important things you can do is ensure that you have taxi fleet insurance set up. Taking out and renewing individual policies for each and every one of your vehicles can be a nightmare, and going through each taxi policy is time consuming and takes a lot of your energy.

Instead of going through that stress, you can get a taxi fleet insurance which covers all of your cabs. That way, when your policy renewal date comes around, you’ll have a much easier time managing the insurance policies for your taxis.


Generally speaking, taxi fleet insurance offers cover for three vehicles or more. If your fleet consists of cabs, mini-cabs, mini-buses or any other type of service vehicle, The Taxi Insurer can arrange a mixed fleet policy. This serves to cover a fleet composed of public and private hire vehicles.

We can also include TPO, TPFT, as well as Comprehensive cover. Taxi fleet insurance through The Taxi Insurer can also incorporate driver coverage, though keep in mind this may be subject to the ages and experience levels of each driver. Furthermore, our experienced handlers will guide you through the process of making a claim should the need arise.

We can assist you with finding the right insurance for your taxi fleet to ensure that you pay the right price and get the most from your insurance. Ready to get a quote? Then don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.


Frequently asked question


How should I market my taxi business app online?


Marketing your taxi business app online can be a game changer in today's digital world. The first step you should take is to optimise your app for the app store, so when users search for taxi services, your app appears at the top. Use social media platforms to reach out to a wider audience. Run targeted ads, post engaging content, and regularly interact with your followers.


I'm not good with technology, can I still make a taxi business app?


Even if you're not tech-savvy, you can still establish a successful taxi business app. In this digital era, there are a plethora of skilled professionals who can help turn your vision into reality. You might not be comfortable with technology, but you can always hire a team of expert developers and designers who can build an intuitive, user-friendly app for your taxi business.


How can an app assist with my taxi business?


An app can help streamline your operations, making booking and payment procedures easier for your customers. It allows you to track your fleet in real-time, ensuring the safety and efficiency of your services. It can also provide a platform to gather customer feedback, helping you improve your services based on their needs. An app not only enhances the customer experience but also gives you a competitive edge in the market.
