Electric air taxis: A revolutionary leap in the taxi industry

Believe it or not, the future of transportation is here and it's electrifying! Innovation and technology have given birth to electric flying taxis. These taxis not only offer an eco-friendly transportation option but also promise to cut travel time significantly. While they are yet to become a common sight in our cities, the day when we'll be hailing a flying taxi just like we do an Uber or Lyft isn't too far away.




The urban transportation landscape is on the precipice of a monumental transformation. The notion of electric air taxis whizzing through the city skyline is no longer a figment of science fiction but an impending reality. This game-changing adaptation in urban mobility hinges on the deployment of electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, promising a cleaner, quieter, and more efficient mode of transit.


Future transition to electrification


The flight in Manhattan was a testament to the city's commitment to embracing the future of taxis. Mayor Eric Adams announced plans to electrify the Downtown Heliport in support of the forthcoming wave of clean, quiet electric air taxis. The city's vision aligns with the broader global trend of transitioning towards electrified transportation solutions. Soon it is likely Uber taxi drivers will be considering if the future is electric.


Debut flight in NYC


The debut flight of an electric flying taxi in New York City marked a significant milestone in the evolution of urban mobility. On November 12th, 2023, Joby's electric aircraft took off from the iconic Downtown Heliport in Manhattan, NY. This marked not only the first-ever electric air taxi flight in the city but also the first time Joby has flown in an urban setting.


Impact on the taxi industry


The advent of electric air taxis could potentially revolutionise the taxi industry. The silent, emissions-free flight could provide a sustainable and efficient mode of travel, offering a quick and convenient alternative to ground-based taxis, can allow taxi drivers to become more eco-friendly. This could drastically alleviate traffic congestion, reduce noise pollution, and transform the role of the taxi driver.


As we stand on the brink of this revolutionary change, let's delve into the potential implications. Electric air taxis, or eVTOLs (Electric Vertical Take-off and Landing) as they are technically called, promise to offer a swift, clean, and efficient solution to congested city traffic.


Imagine soaring high above the crowded streets, bypassing the snarled-up traffic, and reaching your destination in a fraction of the time it would take by ground transport. The appeal is undeniable.


Industry collaboration


For the traditional taxi industry, this could mean a significant loss of customer base. Why would commuters choose to be stuck in traffic when they could fly over it? However, it's not all doom and gloom for the traditional taxi industry.


The integration of air taxis into the existing transport infrastructure could potentially open up new opportunities for collaborations and partnerships. Traditional taxi services could work in tandem with air taxi operators to provide a seamless, door-to-door transportation service.


Reduce travel time


Furthermore, while electric air taxis have the potential to drastically reduce travel time and carbon emissions, their widespread adoption is contingent on several factors such as regulatory approvals, infrastructure development, and public acceptance of this new mode of transport. Until these challenges are addressed, traditional taxis will continue to play a critical role in urban mobility.


In essence, while the advent of electric air taxis is set to disrupt the conventional taxi industry, it also presents an opportunity for adaptation and evolution. The taxis of the future might just be a blend of ground and air services working together to take us wherever we need to go.


Electric air taxis could redefine urban mobility, offering rapid journeys over congested areas. For instance, Joby Aviation's service promises to reduce the travel time from Manhattan to John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) from over an hour by car to just seven minutes by air.


What is NYC doing to implement electric air taxis?

Electric air taxi awaiting lift off

Infrastructure development


Accommodating eVTOLs would require significant infrastructure development. New York City is already making strides in this direction, with plans to electrify the Downtown Heliport. Joby Aviation is also collaborating with Delta Air Lines to develop eVTOL infrastructure coupled with Delta’s terminals at LaGuardia Airport and JFK.


Workforce development


In addition to infrastructural adaptations, the rise of eVTOLs would necessitate the development of a skilled workforce with crossover from the aviation industry.


New York City's Aviation High School has partnered with Joby to teach young aspiring pilots and technicians about electric aviation technologies and train them on Joby’s eVTOL simulators.


Regulatory approval


Before eVTOLs take to the skies, they must first overcome regulatory hurdles. Joby Aviation and Volocopter are actively seeking certification from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) respectively. Joby expects to receive its certification and launch commercial passenger service in major cities by 2025.


What do electric air taxis mean for the future of taxi drivers?


Electric air taxis could also unlock new revenue streams for taxi operators, who would now have an additional, high-value service to offer their customers.


The implementation of flying taxis through urban air mobility will also likely increase jobs, as it paves the way for new roles like air taxi pilots, maintenance personnel, and air traffic controllers.


These jobs not only expand the workforce but also contribute to economic growth by increasing employment rates and income levels.


Initial investment costs for infrastructure development and vehicle procurement could be high. Taxi companies may need to adapt their business models to stay competitive in this changing landscape.


Regulatory hurdles could also pose a significant challenge, as safety standards and regulations for these new vehicles will need to be established and enforced.


Protect your taxi with Taxi Insurer


Taxi insurance not only safeguards your vehicle against potential accidents, theft, and damage, but also protects your business from the financial burden that comes with these unforeseen events.


As the taxi industry evolves, so should your business protection strategy. Renew your taxi insurance with Taxi Insurer today! Our friendly insurance team is ready to assist you. Call us on 0192 645 4929 or get a quote online.


Policy benefits include:

  • Cover for private and public hire taxis
  • 24-hour claims management service
  • Mirror NCB from other insurance policies


The trailblazers: Joby Aviation and Volocopter

Electric air taxi mid flight

Two frontrunners, Joby Aviation and Volocopter, are leading the charge in this exciting new era of transportation technology. Both companies are committed to developing eVTOL aircraft for commercial passenger service, with Joby Aviation already showcasing the potential of electric aviation through a test flight in Manhattan.


Joby Aviation's groundbreaking journey


Joby Aviation, a Californian start-up, has been diligently working on its eVTOL aircraft since 2017. The company has flown thousands of miles under remote control, setting records for eVTOL speed and distance. It recently marked a significant milestone by delivering the first-ever electric air taxi to the US Air Force for on-base operational testing.


Moreover, it celebrated the completion of the first manned aircraft to roll off its Pilot Production Plant in Marina, California.


Joby's eVTOL air taxi, the S4, is designed to have a radically lower acoustic footprint than today's helicopters. Its quiet operation allows it to function in densely populated areas like New York City without contributing to background noise.


Volocopter's vision


Germany-based Volocopter is also a key player in the eVTOL space. The company's 2X prototype has been showcased in a series of flight demonstrations across the U.S. in recent months, in a bid to explore business opportunities.


Joby Aviation and Delta Air Lines partnership


Joby Aviation has formed a strategic partnership with Delta Air Lines, with plans to offer fast, quiet journeys using its piloted, four-passenger electric aircraft with zero operating emissions. Using electric vertical takeoff, the aircraft can fly up to 100 miles on one charge, covering 99% of all trips taken today across New York City’s five boroughs.




The introduction of flying taxis represents a significant leap in the evolution of urban mobility, promising to transform the future of taxis. While many challenges remain, the successful test flight by Joby Aviation in New York City indicates that the dawn of electric air taxis is not far off.


As the world continues to strive for cleaner, quieter, and more efficient modes of transportation, we can anticipate a future where the hum of eVTOLs becomes a familiar sound in our cityscapes.
